Breve pincelada del quehacer artístico Pousseniano: Pinturas, Esculturas, Dibujos y Plumillas, así como la publicación del libro ilustrado titulado "El Bosque de Acivro".
"It is clear that Pousseu's universe is broad and suggestive, I even dare to say that his message exceeds the apparent. He scrutinizes facing with clearance and courage between the calls of emotion and reason ... their paintings are in sight, are good. I believe that only one who has a solid training in the wide range of the aesthetic as Pousseu, acts responsibly. He moves and manages outside of the improvisation and within the order.
I am more interested in the attitude, stress and talk about the man, of Pousseu as an individual, of its inner wealth, that he has, of the commitment he adopts to art and, why not, with life itself.”
"Nunca se desea ardientemente lo que solamente se desea con la razón".
" Not ever itself desirable fervently him which only itself desirable with her reason ".
François de la Rochefoucauld
La descripción literaria de una obra pictórica siempre será una información limitada y sesgada ... ya lo dice el refrán: " una imagen vale más que mil palabras".
La actitud del artista ante la Forma lo define y determina.
Es necesario aprender a convivir con la Duda como aliciente para seguir buscando.
Quisiera ser como el Sol: brillar para todos y no ser de nadie.
La Libertad es la razón de ser de todo Arte.
Crear es creer.
El estilo es decisión.
La belleza es caracter externo y la atracción cualidad interna.
La experiencia vital debe ser la columna vertebral de toda manifestación artística.
Se debe saber abandonar la obra a tiempo.
El Arte materializa la idea.
El arte ayuda a renacer de uno mismo.
Soy un extraño de mi mismo.
Una obra de arte nunca se termina.
Crear es Ser.
* The literary description of a pictorial work will always be a limited and biased information ... as the saying goes: " a picture is worth more than a thousand words".
* The artist's attitude towards the Way is what defines and determines him.
* It is necessary to learn to cooexist with Doubt as an incentive to continue to search.
* I would like to be like the Sun: shining for everyone and not being anyone's.
* Freedom is the reason of to be of any Art.
* To create is to believe.
* Style is decision.
* Beauty is external character and Attraction internal quality.
* The vital experience must be the backbone of any artistic expression.
* You should know to abandon the work on time.
* Art embodied the idea.
* Art helps to rebirth of oneself.
*I'm a stranger to myself.
* A work of art never ends.
* To create is to be.
3 comentarios:
Sigo su trabajo desde hace algunos años. Felicidades!
Un saludo.
Su obra invita a la reflexión, además de conseguir un impacto plástico indudable, logrado a través de una magistral utilización armónica del color y de la composición ... ¡enhorabuena!
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